EDUR 7130
Educational Research On-Line

Single-Subject Research

Assigned Readings

Gay's Text: Chapter 11 Experimental Research

Single-Subject Research

As the name indicates, single-subject research, as applied in education, almost exclusively refers to reseasrch conducted on a single individual. Occasionally the experimental designed employed in single-subject research will be used to study behavior of groups of people, but in most areas, especially outside of education, such research is referred to as cross-over studies.

Single-subject research is necessarily experimental. The goal of single-subject research is to learn whether an intervention, or a series of interventions, have an observable impact on an indivudal's behavior. The term intervention refers to a treatment that is administered to the individual studied.

Like the subjects-as-their-own-control control procedures, individuals studied in single-subject research serve as their own control. This means that judgements about the effectiveness of the intervention, or treatment, are based upon changes observed in the individual's behavior over time.




Copyright 1999, Bryan W. Griffin

Last revised on 08 April, 2018 04:07 AM