EDUR 9131
Advanced Educational Research
Group Topic Assignment
Topics for the Activity 1 Research Project follow for each group.
Each group is to develop a questionnaire for the topic assigned. As noted in the Activity 1 Research Project instructions, each group will conduct a literature review, develop methods for collecting relevant data, construct an instrument and field test it, collect and analyze data.
When developing the questionnaire, note that it should have items that are original or somewhat original (you cannot simply use existing wording or instruments). To help each group get started, I have provided citations below. At this point you should read the articles listed and try to find others on the variables I have provided. Use these citations, and others you find, as guiding work to help develop your instrument. Each citation provided can be obtained from (check GSU library to get this semester's password).
Since the sample for these projects will consist only of students enrolled in this course, keep in mind the diverse background of each student when developing items for your questionnaire. More general items will be best; specific items, such as those that reference a particular type of employment, for example high school administrator, may not work for all students enrolled in this course.
Lastly, for each construct assigned include one overall or global assessment item. I
explain this in more detail
Activity 1
Instructions in the "Example Instrument for Research and Presentation Assignment"
Group 1: Jami Hall, Amy Zieziula, and Charles Ziglar
DV = Instructor/Course Evaluation -- questionnaire items should seek participants' evaluation, or rating, on various instructional dimensions such as course organization, instructor feedback, clarity of presentation, etc. (To help focus all participants, instructions should make clear which course should be evaluated -- this course, EDUR 9131, is a possible target, or another course recently completed by everyone in this class.)
To measure how students rate a course, consider this web page and the references found therein: There are many sources to course evaluation questionnaires on-line and in print, so perform an on-line search.
IV = Student Perceived Competence on Course Content -- degree to which students judge themselves to be competent in a given area, such as with the content of this course.
This site should provide a strong start:
IV = Perceived Autonomy Support -- degree to which students perceive that the instructor offers some choice, some decision making capacity, to students, or degree to which instructor responds to students thoughts/concerns.
This site should provide a good start:
Group 2: April Hodges, Brigid Nesmith, and Janet Poole
DV = Job Satisfaction -- degree to which an employee is satisfied with her/his job.
Any research on measuring job satisfaction, or satisfaction in general, will provide insight into development of an instrument to measure job satisfaction. One idea might be to have respondents rate, individually, their satisfaction with various common aspects of any occupation. Other measurement ideas are possible too. Below are two articles focusing upon job satisfaction. Others can be found in GALILEO.
James Fredericks Volkwein and Ying Zhou (2003) Testing a model of administrative job satisfaction, Vol. 44, No. 2
Valle, M., & Witt, L.A. (2001). The moderating effect of teamwork perceptions on the organizational politics-job satisfaction relationship. Journal of Social Psychology, 141, 379-388.
IV = Occupational Stress --- level of stress one encounters from daily job-related activities.
Some examples of research with job-related stress:
IV = Perceived Work-related Autonomy -- discretion an individual has in organizing and scheduling work (to what extent does the individual have choice in making decisions, etc.)
One example of job autonomy measurement can be found here (search GALILEO for full text copy):
Lonergan, J.M., & Maher, K.J. (2000). The relationship between job characteristics and workplace procrastination as moderated by locus of control. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 15, 213-224.
Also try here:
Group 3: Jennifer Topper and Katrina Evans-Dobbs
DV = Organization (Job) Commitment -- degree to which an employee is committed to their job.
Here are a few leads to finding ways to measure this variable:
IV = Task Importance/Significance -- degree to which individual believes the role or task involved in their job is important
One lead to measuring task significance:
IV = Workplace Climate -- degree to which employee judges the workplace to be friendly, helpful, or, for example, hostile.
Search for "workplace climate" in the full-text search of GALILEO. Let me know if you cannot find anything useful. One lead:
James Fredericks Volkwein and Ying Zhou (2003) Testing a model of administrative job satisfaction, Vol. 44, No. 2
Group 4: Candace Bethea and Kierstin Johnson
DV = General Happiness with Life -- general, overall feelings or thoughts regarding one's level of happiness with life as a whole. Some examples of possible measures/studies:
Michael W. Fordyce; A review of research on the happiness measures: A sixty second index of happiness and mental health; Social Indicators Research; Volume 20, Number 4 / August, 1988; 355-381
Sonja Lyubomirsky and Heidi S. Lepper; A Measure of Subjective Happiness: Preliminary Reliability and Construct Validation; Social Indicators Research; Volume 46, Number 2 / February, 1999; 137-155
Todd B. Kashdan; The assessment of subjective well-being (issues raised by the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire); Personality and Individual Differences; Volume 36, Issue 5, April 2004, Pages 1225-1232
Diener, E., Emmons, R.A., Larson, R.J., & Griffin, S. (1985). The satisfaction with life scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 49, 71-75.
Pavot, W. & Diener, E. (1993). Review of the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Psychological Assessment, 5, 164-172.
Pavot, W. G., Diener, E., Colvin, C. R., & Sandvik, E. (1991). Further validation of the Satisfaction with Life Scale: Evidence for the cross-method convergence of well-being measures. Journal of Personality Assessment, 57, 149-161.
IV = Religiosity -- to what extent does an individual consider themselves religious? Create an overall measure of one's religiosity--this measure should not focus on any one religion in general, but should highlight spiritual-religious expression. Some examples of studies that include religiosity are:
"Religiosity and its association with happiness, purpose in life, and self-actualisation." Sarah French; Stephen Joseph; Mental Health, Religion & Culture, Volume 2, Issue 2 November 1999 , pages 117 - 120
Jose Orathinkal and Alfons Vansteenwegen. Religiosity and Marital Satisfaction; Contemporary Family Therapy, Volume 28, Number 4 / December, 2006; Pages 497
IV = General Physical Health -- an individual's assessment of their general physical health. Some possible leads to creating this measure include:
The relationship between religion/spirituality and physical health, mental health, and pain in a chronic pain population. Pain , Volume 116 , Issue 3 , Pages 311 - 321; A . Elizabeth Rippentrop , E . Altmaier , J . Chen , E . Found , V . Keffala
BMC Public Health. 2006; 6: 101; Published online 2006 April 21; Do teachers have more health problems? Results from a French cross-sectional survey; Viviane Kovess-Masf?y,
1 Christine Sevilla-Dedieu,1 Carmen Rios-Seidel,1 El?a Nerri?e,1 and Christine Chan Chee1, link below:
Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2006; 4: 10; Published online 2006 February 21. Using individual growth model to analyze the change in quality of life from adolescence to adulthood; Henian Chen and Patricia Cohen; link here:
BMC Public Health. 2008; 8: 48; Published online 2008 February 6.; Working conditions, self-perceived stress, anxiety, depression and quality of life: A structural equation modelling approach; Bin Nordin Rusli, Bin Abdin Edimansyah, and Lin Naing; link here:
Group 5: Renanda Dear, Jenny Brown, and Marian Muldrow
DV = Techno-stress --- Negative psychological state caused by introduction of technology in life and/or workspace
Example (see appendix for wording)
Brooks (2015). Does personal social media usage affect efficiency and well-being? Computers in Human Behavior, 46, 26-37.
IV = Internet Usage --- degree (frequency) to which an individual uses the internet and components of internet
Example measures of internet usage:
Online Network Size, Efficacy, and Opinion Expression: Assessing the Impacts of Internet Use in China. Fei Shen, Ning Wang, Zhongshi Guo and Liang Guo, International Journal of Public Opinion Research Vol. 21 No. 4, 2009:
A factor analytic study of the internet usage scale. 2011. Monetti, D, et al. Journal of Research in Education, 21, 2.
IV = Computer Competence -- self-assessment of computer understanding and ability
Group 6: Tracy Colebrooke and Farrah Senn
DV = Work-Personal Life Conflict (or Work-familty Conflict) -- measure of how work life may interfer with personal life. Scale should be general and work for both married and unmarried participants, and also for those with and without children. Example:
Matthews, Russell A. Kath, Lisa M. Barnes-Farrell, Janet L. 2010. A short, valid, predictive measure of work–family conflict: Item selection and scale validation. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol 15(1)
IV = Social Disinterest/Sociability -- a measure of the degree to which individuals prefer to interact with others socially; degree to which individuals prefer time/activities alone or in groups. You can find scales that measure social disinterest and also scales that measure sociability. The concepts overlap. Example:
Granholm E, Ben-Zeev D, Link PC. 2009. Social disinterest attitudes and group cognitive-behavioral social skills training for functional disability in schizophrenia. Schizophr. Bull. 35:874–83
IV = Locus of Control (LOC) -- the extent to which an individual believes they can control events around them, or the extent to which they believe events are controlled by outside forces that cannot be manipualted. A number of scales exist and each has many studies examining each scale. Below is a link that discusses 28 versions of LOC with scale items also presented.
Halpert and Hill. 2011. The Locus of Control Construct’s Various Means of Measurement: A researcher’s guide to some of the more commonly used Locus of Control scales.
Note, don't trust the this document to present correct content of the various studies/scales they present. Be sure to read the original sources they present.
Copyright © 2005, Bryan W. Griffin
Last revised on 18 January, 2018 01:20 PM