Topic: Reliability
1. Reliability Presentations and Videos
Summary Review of Reliability
6a part 1
6a part 2
) - from EDUR 7130 Educational Research
Test-retest and Parallel Forms Reliability (with SPSS examples)
Test-retest and Parallel Forms Reliability
63 minutes) - from EDUR 8331 Applied Measurement
JASP video:
Test-retest and Parallel Forms Reliability
Internal Consistency and Item Analysis (with SPSS examples)
Internal Consistency and Item Analysis
71 minutes) - from EDUR 8331 Applied Measurement
JASP video:
Internal Consistency and Item Analysis
2. Readings
No readings required given the detail of my presentations and videos
If you would like additional readings, below are supplemental presentations
Fraenkel et al
Chapter 8 Validity and Reliability
(general introduction to both validity and reliability)
Tavakol and Dennick (2011).
Making Sense of Cronbach's Alpha
, International Journal of Medical Education.
Gliem and Gliem (2003).
Calculating, Interpreting, and Repoting Cronbach's Alpha Reliability Coefficient for Likert-Type Scales
Koo and Li (2016).
A Guideline for Selecting and Reporting Intraclass Correlation Coefficients for Reliabiloty Research
. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 15, 155-163 (This publication is statistical in nature; read it for conceptual understanding and study Figure 1 to identify different types of ICC; the ICC will be explained in this week's presentation and video).
Cronbach's Alpha
with SPSS